Disabling Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Auto Save feature for a specific entity form or a CRM organisation to avoid undesired execution of plugins or workflows

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 has a new auto-save feature which triggers a save action on forms every 30 seconds.
Suppose, if you are editing a form, an autosave is triggered automatically by CRM 2013 on regular intervals.
The problem with this feature is that if you have a plugin or a workflow that first on saving the form, it will be triggered every time the auto save action is fired.
This will obviously cause undesirable actions and potentially unexpected consequences to several processes especially in the case of an upgrade from Dynamics CRM 2011 to Dynamics CRM 2013.

To disable the Auto Save feature in Dynamics CRM 2013, you can stop it at organisation level
Go to Settings
–> System Settings
–> General Tab (first tab)
–> Enable Auto Save on All forms
–> No.